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12/08/22 -

Call to host an EASL School of Hepatology 2024

EASL is opening the call for hosting three clinical and one basic EASL School to be held in 2024. If you are an EASL Member, submit your proposal before 30 September 2022. 

Requirements for application

  • Only EASL members may apply to host an EASL School. If you are not a member yet, you can become an EASL member now.
  • EASL Schools must be hosted in dedicated European centres of excellence and be able to accommodate plenary sessions and breakout groups.
  • EASL Schools must be led by experts of the hosting institution (Maximum 2-3 external experts are allowed).
  • EASL Schools programme must not exceed 2 days.

To apply, please  and complete the online application form, which includes the programme proposal.

Deadline: Friday, 30 September 2022

The proposals will be reviewed by the EASL Educational Committee. EASL will allocate a dedicated budget to the successful applications. EASL office will provide the successful applicants with the related information and guidelines.

Read about the EASL Schools budget

EASL Schools format

The format, designed to host 25 students, is “flipped-classroom” based, learner-centric and problem-oriented. Preparation for the onsite learning consists of online course(s) and educational materials hosted on EASL Campus and provided by the school organisers. Students are expected to take the online course(s) and complete the pre-assessments one month before the start of the EASL School. Once onsite, students should work in small groups under the guidance of experienced tutors (Emphasising on teamwork and cooperation). The post-assessments and surveys are conducted on EASL Campus.

Clinical EASL Schools

The programme must be based on the following structure:

Before the EASL School:

  • Pre-assessments of the students through EASL Campus (online courses, live webinars, quizzes etc.).
  • Group assignment.

Day One:

  • Clinical cases study: Student groups are assigned complex clinical cases with tutors to guide them.

Day Two: 

  • Clinical cases presentations and selection of the winning group.
  • State-of-the-art lecture by a renowned expert.
  • Students’ evaluation of the school programme and format (Mandatory).

After the EASL School: Post-assessment tests and accreditation of the students through EASL Campus.

To learn more about this EASL School format, discover this year’s schools:

Read the EASL Schools Guidelines for Clinical Schools

Basic EASL Schools

The programme must be based on the following structure:

Before the EASL School:.

  • Pre-assessments of the students through EASL Campus (online courses, live webinars, quizzes etc.).
  • Group assignment.

Day One:

  • Experimental hands-on sessions.

Day Two:

  • Experimental hands-on sessions.
  • State-of-the-art lecture by a renowned expert.
  • Students’ evaluation of the school programme and format (Mandatory).

To learn more about this EASL School format, discover this year’s school Precision Cut Liver Slices and Liver Organoids – versatile ex-vivo models of liver disease, 15-17 September 2022, London (United Kingdom).

Read the EASL Schools Guidelines for Basic Science Schools
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