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Call for applications for the roles of chair of two new Clinical Practice Guidelines on the liver involvement in systemic infections and in inflammatory systemic diseases

EASL has launched several highly influential Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs). The objective of these CPGs is to provide simple, clear, and evidence-based guidelines that can be used for patient management and reimbursement policies all over Europe. EASL CPGs have become a global reference, providing expert analysis of the latest data on the diagnosis and management of liver diseases.  

The development of CPGs is guided by EASL’s CPG development process, which is summarized in the attached editorial published in the January 2019 issue of the Journal of Hepatology. An important component of this process is the inclusion of a simplified Delphi process to reach a broader consensus and involve academic experts and other stakeholders beyond the CPGs panel and the EASL Governing Board.  

The EASL Governing Board has decided to develop two new CPGs, one on the liver involvement in systemic infections and one on the liver involvement in inflammatory systemic diseases, and we are now calling for applications for the position of Chair of the guidelines.  

The CPG on the liver involvement in systemic infections should indicatively cover tuberculosis, hepatic amoebiasis, hepatic actinomycosis, syphilis, leptospirosis, schistosomiasis, malaria, visceral leishmaniasis, Lyme’s disease, echinococcosis, ascariasis, strongyloides stercoralis, trichinosis, toxocara canis, liver flukes, rikketsial infections, fungal infections, pyogenic liver abscess, and viral infections (e.g. CMV, herpes virus, and HIV).  

The successful candidates will have an established track record of original research and excellent standing within the clinical community. The candidates will have in-depth experience in developing educational content for the hepatology community. 

Please note: 

  • Particular attention will be paid to candidates with a strong clinical background. 
  • The candidate must be living in a European country, as defined by the World Health Organization.   
  • No age limit applies to this call for applications. 
  • The candidate must be an active EASL member when applying.  

The call is open until 31 July 2022. 

Your application should include: 

  • a letter of motivation and your aspirations to serve as the Chair of the CPG on the liver involvement in systemic infections 
  • an updated CV 
  • a summary of your scientific achievements (including a list of your publications, h-index, and grant income, as applicable) 
  • a completed EASL conflict of interest disclosure form 
  • a completed application form 

Please download the application form here. Then send your completed application to [email protected] with the subject line: EASL CPG systemic infections – Chair 

The CPG on the liver involvement in inflammatory systemic diseases should indicatively cover sarcoidosis, SLE, Sjogren, Rheumatoid arthritis (and Felty syndrome), coeliac disease, amyloidosis, porphyrias, lipid storage diseases (LAL-D, Gaucher, Niemman-Pick), haemophagocytic syndrome, Bechet’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and histiocytosis. 

The successful candidates will have an established track record of original research and excellent standing within the clinical community. The candidates will have profound experience in developing educational content for the hepatology community. 

Please note: 

  • Particular attention will be paid to candidates with a strong clinical background. 
  • The candidate must be living in a European country, as defined by the World Health Organization.
  • No age limit applies to this call for applications. 
  • The candidate must be an active EASL member when applying.  

The call is open until 31 July 2022. 

Your application should include: 

  • a letter of motivation and your aspirations to serve as the Chair of the CPG the liver involvement in inflammatory systemic diseases 
  • an updated CV 
  • a summary of your scientific achievements (including a list of your publications, h-index, and grant income, as applicable) 
  • a completed EASL conflict of interest disclosure form 
  • a completed application form 

Review process: 

  • All submitted applications will be reviewed for eligibility by the EASL Governing Board. 
  • The successful candidate will be assessed by the EASL Ethics Committee, prior to being formally appointed. 

Please download the application form here. Then send your completed application to [email protected] with the subject line: EASL CPG inflammatory systemic diseases – Chair 

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