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10/07/19 -

Survey on Paediatric Liver Care across Europe for the EASL Lancet Commission

Dear Colleague

EASL has been commissioned by the UK journal, The Lancet to work together to create an EASL Lancet Commission on Liver Disease in Europe.

I am chairing the Paediatric and Rare disease Group and we wish to identify the model of care for paediatric liver disease across Europe in order to identify access to services, transplantation and transition services, in order to identify gaps in care and make recommendations for the future.

We would be most grateful if you would help us by filling in this brief survey. Please complete one survey per center.  Before you start the survey it would be useful for you to have the following data available:

  • Number of new cases treated  in a year for each of the following; Biliary atresia, Choledochal cyst, PFIC, Alagille, and Autoimmune hepatitis
  • Number of Kasai procedures and Liver transplants carried out per annum

Here is the link to the survey Paediatric Liver Care across Europe

We would be most grateful for your input into this important work to improve the care of our patients across Europe and thank you in advance. The extended deadline for completion of the survey is 27th September 2019.


Best wishes

Professor Deirdre Kelly, CBE

Professor of Paediatric Hepatology

Chair of Rare Liver Disease and Paediatrics Working Group,

EASL Lancet Commission


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