EASL supports International NASH Day 2021: NASH Around the World

8 June 2021
EASL is delighted to be officially endorsing International NASH Day 2021: NASH Around the World, conducted by the Global Liver Institute (GLI), this Thursday, 10 June. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), the advanced form of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), is a life-threatening disease worldwide.
EASL’s endorsement follows on the success of previous collaborations with GLI, as they roll out this important day dedicated to fighting liver disease.
What is International NASH Day?
International #NASHDay is GLI’s global effort to raise awareness about NASH and NAFLD, and the actions that people can take to address them. The theme for the 2021 #NASHday is NASH Around the World.
#NASHDay 2021 activities planned include eight cutting-edge virtual panels featuring international experts, including from EASL, leading physicians, and advocates who will share the latest insights on how to confront and mitigate this dangerous disease. The sessions will be broadcast in five languages: English, French, Hindi, Mandarin, and Spanish. Educational materials are also available in 16 languages.
How is EASL contributing to the events of #NASHDay?
In addition to EASL participating in social media on the day, our leadership will be contributing their expertise to the following Virtual Nash Educational Panels:
- EASL Secretary General, Prof. Philip Newsome participating in the session “NASH as a Global Public Health Challenge” on 10 June at 14:00 CET.
- Member of the EASL–Lancet Committee, Dr Elisabetta Bugianesi, participating in the session “NASH and Liver Cancer” on 10 June at 15:00 CET
- EASL Vice Secretary, Prof. Thomas Berg, participating in the session “Beyond the Biopsy: Innovations in Diagnostics” on 10 June at 19:00 CET
How does EASL tackle NASH and NAFLD on an ongoing basis?
EASL is actively engaged in tackling NAFLD & NASH, through yearly key events, the ILC and the NAFLD Summit, Schools to train up hepatologists, and policy activities.
Only by boosting awareness about NAFLD widely, among healthcare professionals, policymakers, the public, and patients, will we find solutions to address it. At EASL, we are committed to helping clinicians, researchers, and students network with the many and varied stakeholders in the field of hepatology, providing the opportunity to share research and learn from peers across Europe and beyond,
said Prof. Phil Newsome, EASL Secretary General
Digital NAFLD Summit 2021
EASL’s yearly NAFLD Summit is devoted to showcasing the latest research on NAFLD and NASH, presented by top international experts to the liver community. Digital NAFLD Summit 2021 promises to be a highly informative, engaging, and interactive event, focused on current, evidence-based clinical practice, as key as advances in research that will shape the clinical practices of the future.
Find out more about Digital NAFLD Summit 2021, taking place 16–17 September 2021.
At every International Liver Congress™, EASL tackles NASH and NAFLD
In the Metabolism, Alcohol and Toxicity Track at every ILC, delegates gain the latest updates on NASH and NAFLD. At #ILC 2021, highlights include addressing urgent unmet needs, such as:
- developing optimal approaches to improve lifestyle and prevent disease development and progression
- identifying strategies to identify at-risk individuals in the population, and
- securing accurate non-invasive biomarkers of liver damage and pharmacological treatments to contrast disease progression.
Register now for ILC 2021, taking place 23–26 June 2021.
What EU-level changes is EASL advocating for?
Front-of-pack (FOP) nutrition labelling system (simplified nutritional, information provided on the front of food packaging intended to help consumers with their food choices) can significantly lower the incidence of chronic diseases, including NASH and NAFLD. Currently, however, this labelling is not mandatory in the EU. EASL encourages the adoption, at EU level, of a formal and comprehensive system to fully empower consumers to make the choices that are best for them; while creating a healthier food environment, improving dietary patterns, and promoting healthy lifestyles. Steps urgently needed include FOP nutritional labelling, and the regulation of marketing that promotes the consumption of unhealthy food.
Read the EASL-supported ECDA Statement on the European Green Deal and its Farm to Fork strategy, as part of the actions envisioned to help consumers choose healthy and sustainable diets.
Download EASL’s Policy Statement on Food, Obesity, and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)