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Journal of Hepatology call for papers on COVID-19

Following the initiative of other leading scientific journals, we believe that it is timely, important, and appropriate to share  as soon as possible with our Journal of Hepatology readers all information available on the possible impact of COVID-19 (coronavirus) on the liver and affected patients.

We therefore invite authors to send their original data on the impact of  the infection in patients with underlying liver disease, in particular those with advanced liver disease, and also reports on the outcomes of the implementation of specific preventive measures to be adopted in these patients. We provide authors with a rapid evaluation and, if their articles are accepted, free access to their content. Of course, as an obligation to our community, we ensure the same high standards of scientific review for these articles. If you have any questions on this topic, please contact us here [email protected].

Prof. Paolo Angeli
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Hepatology

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