A bumper crop of media coverage for ILC 2021

18 August 2021
The International Liver Congress™ gives EASL a golden opportunity to engage with international journalists, reaching media in multiple languages, all over the world. This year was no exception.
Media coverage at ILC 2021 spreads hepatology news worldwide
At ILC 2021, EASL issued press releases over three consecutive days with embargos in place, offering registered media access to live press conferences, background information about our association, and a press programme structured around the timing of the release of research in abstract presentations.
A highlight: in-depth coverage by the European Medical Journal Hepatology
In addition to hundreds of shorter news articles emerging from ILC, the August issue of EMJ Hepatology ran an in-depth exploration of the congress: a congress review, congress features, abstract reviews, of the ILC news, press releases, and engaging interviews with our former Secretary General, Prof. Philip Newsome, and our current one, Prof. Thomas Berg about their roles and what inspired them to go into hepatology.
The European Medical Journal (EMJ) is an independent, open-access eJournal dedicated to delivering first-class insights into ground-breaking changes, and advancements in medicine.
In the journal’s Foreword, Dr Ahmed Elsharkawy, Consultant Hepatologist at University Hospitals Birmingham, UK, provided a snapshot:
Hosted in Geneva, Switzerland, in June, the virtual format of the ILC 2021 delivered superb dissemination of information in the field of hepatology. … The postgraduate course was particularly innovative this year. It was split into two main themes: the impact of lifestyle on liver disease, and the potential role of powerful -omics in enhancing our understanding of the mechanisms of liver disease pathophysiology; something which will hopefully result in development of truly personalised medicine for individuals with complex conditions such as non-alcoholic liver disease.
This issue also features a summary of a stand-out session on genomic editing to treat hypercholesterolaemia and primary hyperoxaluria. It shares a selection of interesting abstract presentations delivered at the congress, summarised by the authors themselves. These include topics such as the use of microRNA sequencing in cholangiocarcinoma-affected and non-malignant livers to identify their roles in gene regulation and promotion of carcinogenesis.
Watch the ILC press 2021 conferences on EASL's YouTube channel
Did you miss the press conferences? You can still catch up on the news shared at ILC, watching presentations made by the experts.
ILC Press Conference, June 23 2021:
COVID-19 and Liver Disease
ILC Press Conference, June 24 2021:
Hepatitis and Acute-on-chronic Liver Failure
ILC Press Conference, June 25 2021: