Happy World Liver Day 2023! Get involved and help us celebrate it!

Join the global movement.
Celebrate World Liver Day with us on 19 April 2023!
We are excited to announce World Liver Day, taking place TODAY, 19 April 2023. This global movement led by the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL), the Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL), the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD), and the Asociacion Latinoamericana para el Estudio del Higado (ALEH), aims to shed light on the often-overlooked topic of liver health.
Support us in promoting this important initiative!
Why a World Liver Day?
With 844 million people worldwide affected by liver disease and 2 million deaths per year, it’s time to act and raise awareness about this vital organ. Our livers perform over 500 functions and can regenerate with as little as 25% of healthy tissue. Liver diseases remain largely ignored in the global health agenda, resulting in major gaps in countries’ strategies and abilities to tackle the growing burden. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) which affects over a quarter of the world’s population, has been excluded from the World Health Organisation’s Global Action Plan for Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases, leaving many people at risk. Liver cancer is also on the rise, with an estimated 905,677 cases occurring in 2020 alone. Viral Hepatitis presents additional global health challenges, with death rates beginning to outnumber those from HIV/AIDS.
DeLIVERing longlasting Impact
In 2019, India launched World Liver Day to raise awareness about liver related diseases. In 2023 the major liver associations expand this initiative worldwide, because together, we can eliminate the barriers to prevention, detection, and treatment of liver disease.
In 2023, we will focus on raising public awareness and breaking down the stigma associated with liver-related diseases.
In 2024, we will seek solutions and implement concrete activities such as tailored educational programmes.
Finally, in 2025, we will propose governance solutions to address these issues in a concerted manner.
International health days play a vital role in raising awareness for major health issues such as chronic liver diseases. World Liver Day strives to promote prevention campaigns, improve screening strategies, and increase access to timely and effective treatment.
…This is not a one-time occasion – our societies have jointly called on the World Health Organisation to get this date officially endorsed and observed every year!
How can you support?
Are you a doctor, researcher, allied health professional in the hepatology field?
Are you someone who suffers from liver disease or are a friend or loved one of someone who does?
Visit the World Liver Day website and get involved to help spread the message. Feel free to use any content on the website, or create your own to share on your channels and within your networks!
Make use of our promotional toolkit for World Liver Day. The toolkit includes social media visuals, texts to share, and relevant hashtags to share.
Let us join hands to make the first-ever World Liver Day a success, raising awareness on the importance of liver health and promoting access to quality healthcare for everyone.
Wishing you a HAPPY WORLD LIVER DAY 2023!