EASL is launching its single sign on solution

EASL is launching its single sign on solution - one username, one password, for all
The European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) has improved the way you will connect to all our EASL applications with a new Single Sign On solution. One username, one password for all our applications.
You will soon receive an email from noreply@easl.eu with the subject title “MyEASL – Update Your Account” allowing you to verify your account.
Once you have verified your account, you will be able to use the same credentials (email address + password) to access your MyEASL Memberzone account, your EASL Campus account, and the EASL Events app.
If you are attending the International Liver Congress™ 2022, we highly recommend updating your account before the Congress so you can access all event features.
Step 1: Verify your account. Click on the link in the email from noreply@easl.eu, and verify your account within 24 hours. After that deadline you`ll need to click on Forgot Password? to request a new verification email.
Step 2: Update your password
Step 3 Check and update your personal MyEASL profile
Step 4 Accept the terms and conditions.
You`ll then be able to enjoy the EASL applications with one single account.
If you need any further information, you can contact Mr Cyriac Couvas at cyriac.couvas@easloffice.eu.