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Call for Schools proposals from EASL Members

Schools of Hepatology

In early 2016, the EASL Governing Board initiated a new format for its Schools of Hepatology. In September of the same year, the first pilot of this new format was executed successfully and received overwhelmingly positive feedback from participants. The EASL Schools of Hepatology have been running according to this successful structure for six years.  

Only EASL members may apply for EASL Schools.

Call for Schools 2023

To propose a school to be hosted in your European institution, please complete and return the application file along with a programme proposal (indicating talks and potential speakers) to [email protected] 

Deadline to submit: Monday, 15 November 2021 

The current format, designed to host 2030 students, is based on a “flipped-classroom model” that is learner-centric and problem-oriented. Students receive the learning material prepared and provided by the organisers, beforehand, as homework to prepare. Once in the classroom, they work in small teams under the guidance of experienced tutors with an emphasis on teamwork and cooperation. 

Locations for the EASL Schools must be recognised European centres of excellence with all aspects of the competence in that domain covered by local experts. The meeting will take place in the institution which should be able to accommodate a plenary session, as well as breakout groups. 

EASL would like to provide its members with the ability to participate by opening a call for programme outline proposals and proposed topics. For 2023, EASL plans to present one Basic School and three Clinical Schools, to be held at the end of June or the beginning of July 2023.  

In your practice or research, have you discovered a topic that you think should be covered by an EASL School?

Are you interested in developing and implementing “flipped-classroom model” learning?

If yes, we strongly encourage you to submit your idea and outline. If approved, the EASL Governing Board and staff will assist you with its development and presentation. 

Please incorporate the below programme components when drafting your submission. 

Apply now

Clinical Schools

Day One: morning
Students take a pre-quiz; brief summary talks are presented by faculty and summaries of the quiz results. 

Day One: afternoon
Participants are divided into groups numbering five of six, and each group is assigned a complex clinical case with a matching number of questions and a tutor to guide them. Participants must address the questions (one per each student) via PowerPoint slides, according to a strict format. Each participant will present their answers, as a teacher, to the other groups.  

Day Two: morning
Cases are presented and a further quiz is completed. 

Day Two: afternoon
The quiz results revealed, and a state-of-the-art lecture is presented by an international expert.

Participants are asked to evaluate the school format and the dynamic of teamwork. Tutors are required to evaluate the groups. 

Basic Schools

Day One: morning 

Students take pre-quiz, brief summary talks presented by faculty and summaries of quiz results revealed. 

Day One: afternoon
Hands-on sessions take place, in which students learn new state-of-the-art techniques. 

Day Two: morning 

Hands-on sessions, continued.  

Day Two: afternoon 

Quiz and state-of-the-art lecture presented by an international expert. 

Participants are asked to evaluate the school format and the dynamic of teamwork. Tutors are required to evaluate the groups. 

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