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09/12/24 -

Become part of the next generation of EASL’s leadership in 2025!

Are you deeply engaged in hepatology and science and ready to get involved in EASL’s governance?   

 EASL is now looking to fill the following positions:  

  1. Vice-Secretary 
  2. One Scientific Committee Member 
  3. Three Policy, Public Health, and Advocacy Committee Members 
  4. One Ethics and Compliance Committee Members 
  5. One Nurse & Allied Health Professionals Task Force Member 

The call for all of these positions is open 9 December 202420 January 2025 (23:59 CET). To apply, please connect to the Member Zone.

Are you passionate about advancing liver research and committed to supporting EASL’s mission of promoting excellence in liver health? We invite qualified members to apply for the position of Vice-Secretary on the EASL Governing Board. This role is an excellent opportunity to deepen your engagement with EASL, contribute to meaningful leadership initiatives, and help shape the future of our community.  

As Vice-Secretary, you will assist in strategic planning, ensure effective governance, and play an active role in supporting EASL’s diverse network of professionals. The successful candidate will have an established track record of original research and a strong standing within the clinical community. They will have some evidence of managerial experience and will relish working in a dynamic team. 

The Vice-Secretary serves for two years in close collaboration with EASL’s Secretary General. After the completion of this two-year term, the Vice-Secretary will automatically become Secretary General for a further period of two years.  

Eligibility criteria: 

  • The candidate must be professionally active in a European country, as defined by the World Health Organization. 
  • To ensure geographical diversity, candidates employed in Denmark and the United Kingdom can apply but may be considered less favourably. 
  • The candidate must be under 56 years of age on 9 May 2025 (in case of official parental leave, the eligible age is calculated by deducting the documented months of parental leave in accordance with applicable EU regulations from their actual age). 
  • The candidate must be an EASL member when applying and would be expected to have been a long-standing member. 
  • An individual who is currently a member of the Governing Board can apply for and be elected as the Vice-Secretary during their mandate if they have not held the position they apply for before. If such individual is elected during their mandate as Governing Board member, they shall resign from the latter position.  
  • An individual who completed their mandate in the Governing Board will have to wait for at least one (1) year before being eligible to apply for and be elected as the Vice-Secretary provided they have not held this position before. 
  • EASL embraces diversity and would particularly welcome female applicants and those from under-represented ethnic groups. 

The call is open from 9 December 2024 to 20 January 2025 (23:59 CET). To apply, please connect to the Member Zone.

Your application should include: 

  • a letter of motivation and your expected goals on joining the EASL Governing Board 
  • an updated CV 
  • a summary of your scientific achievements (list of publications, h-index (Scopus), grant income) 
  • a summary of relevant managerial/leadership experience and skills 

Review process: 

  • All submitted applications will be reviewed for eligibility by the EASL office. 
  • Shortlisted candidates will be invited for a 45-minute interview with the EASL Governing Board.  
  • The interview will consist of a five-minute presentation from the candidate covering their qualifications and motivation for becoming Vice-Secretary, followed by a Q&A session with the Governing Board. 
  • The successful candidate will be requested to complete a Declaration of Interest form and will be reviewed by the EASL Ethics and Compliance Committee, prior to being presented to the EASL General Assembly in May 2025. Their appointment to the Governing Board is dependent on confirmation by and at the General Assembly. 

You are welcome to consult the EASL equality, diversity, and inclusion policy statement.

EASL is now calling for applications for one new member to join the Scientific Committee.  

The mandate of the EASL Scientific Committee is to provide scientific expertise and support to EASL Governing Board and EASL office in the development and monitoring of the scientific activities of the organisation supporting EASL’s strategic decisions. 

Members of the Scientific Committee are part of the Governing Board and as such are expected to attend monthly conference calls with the Scientific Committee, mandatory Governing Board meetings (both digital and in-person), as well as representation at EASL Congress and other events. (More information available upon request).  


The term for these members is from May 2025 to (and including) EASL Congress 2028. 

Eligibility criteria: 

  • The candidate must be an EASL member when applying. 
  • To ensure adequate representation of all EASL tracks applicants with a strong scientific track record in the following field will be preferred: 
    • Alcohol related liver disease / toxicity 
  • The candidate must be professionally active in a European country, as defined by the World Health Organisation 
  • To maintain geographical diversity, professionals working in the following countries are excluded from this call, as they are already represented in the Scientific Committee: Austria, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, and Romania. 
  • The candidate must be under 48 years of age in May 2025 (in case of official parental leave, the eligible age is calculated by deducting the documented months of parental leave in accordance with applicable EU regulations from their actual age). 
  • EASL embraces diversity and would welcome applicants from under-represented ethnic groups. 

The call is open from 9 December 2024 to 20 January 2025 (23:59 CET). To apply, please connect to the Member Zone.

Your application should include: 

  • a letter of motivation and your aspirations for joining the EASL Scientific Committee 
  • an updated CV 
  • a summary of your scientific achievements (including a list of your publications, h-index (Scopus), and grant income, as applicable) 

 Review process: 

  • All submitted applications will be reviewed for eligibility by the EASL office. 
  • All eligible applications will be reviewed by current EASL’s Governing Board members.  
  • The EASL Scientific Committee will base their selection on the following criteria:  
    • candidate profile 
    • inclusivity and heterogeneity (with the aim of composing a Scientific Committee that is representative of the EASL community in terms of scientific fields, countries, experience) 
    • diversity, in accordance with the EASL equality, diversity and inclusion policy statement. 
  • Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview with the current EASL Governing Board.  
    • The interview will consist of a five-minute presentation by the candidate, covering their qualifications and motivation for joining the Scientific Committee, followed by twenty-minute Q&A session with the Governing Board. 
  • The successful candidate will be requested to complete a Declaration of Interest form and will be reviewed by the EASL Ethics and Compliance Committee, prior to being presented to the EASL General Assembly in May 2025.Their appointment to the Scientific Committee is dependent on confirmation by and at the General Assembly. 

You are welcome to consult the EASL equality, diversity, and inclusion policy statement.

We invite dedicated professionals to apply to join the EASL Policy, Public Health, and Advocacy (PPHA) Committee — a dynamic team shaping the future of liver health policy and advocacy. As a member of the PPHA Committee, you’ll have the opportunity to lend your expertise to help guide EASL’s policy strategy, develop impactful public health initiatives, and contribute to advocacy campaigns that drive change. This is a unique chance to collaborate with experts across fields, engage in public health strategy, and contribute to vital content for the EASL Congress and events.  

The goal of the PPHA Committee is to influence public health policies that lead to better liver health.  

The Policy, Public Health, and Advocacy Committee provides the Governing Board with expert scientific and policy guidance. The Committee consists of the Public Health Councillor and six other members, including one patient advocate.  

The Policy, Public Health and Advocacy Committee aligns its activities in accordance with the guiding principles of the second EASL strategic pillar – Advocacy:  

  • Advising and influencing health policy at the European and global levels  
  • Raising public awareness and understanding of liver health   
  • Amplifying the voices of patient groups  
  • Educating hepatologists and related specialists on public health and preventive hepatology   

In service of these goals, the Policy, Public Health and Advocacy Committee (PPHA) organises activities across three different work streams. These are:  

  • PPHA representation at EASL Congress and other EASL events   
  • Educational programmes and projects   
  • Advocacy events, activities, and partnerships  

Members of the Policy, Public Health and Advocacy Committee are involved in delivering the above activities by: 

  • Developing and overseeing the public health sessions and content at EASL Congress and other EASL events 
  • Providing scientific advice on all areas of liver health, research, treatment, and liver disease prevention as required for the development of educational content and public health project programming  
  • Assisting and overseeing the design, development, and implementation of EASL public affairs advocacy campaigns, events, policy statements and scientific publications.  
  • Assist in identifying and solidifying relationships with external experts and other organisations to mobilise partnerships and delivering EASL projects and advocacy campaigns.  

 PPHA Committee members are expected to be able to attend monthly conference calls, and an annual face-to-face meeting at EASL Congress. 


The term for these members is from May 2025 to (and including) the EASL Congress 2028. 

The call is open from 9 December 2024 to 20 January 2025 (23:59 CET). To apply, please connect to the Member Zone. 

Eligibility criteria: 

  • The candidate must be an EASL member when applying.   
  • The candidate must have an MD and/or a degree in public health or policy.  
  • The candidate must be living in a European country, as defined by the World Health Organisation. 
  • No age limit applies to this call for applications.   
  • EASL embraces diversity and strives to create a welcoming and inclusive space for everyone, including people of all backgrounds, ethnicities, genders, religions, abilities and disabilities. 

 Your application should include:  

  • a letter of motivation and your aspirations for joining the PPHA Committee  
  • an updated CV  
  • a summary of your experience in Policy and Public Health and scientific achievements (including a list of your publications, h-index, grant income, as applicable). 

 Review process:  

  • All submitted applications will be reviewed for eligibility by the EASL office. 
  • All eligible applications will be reviewed by EASL’s Public Health Councillor and the PPHA Committee members.  
  • The EASL PPHA Committee will base their selection on the following criteria:  
    • Candidate profile 
    • Inclusivity and heterogeneity (with the aim of composing a PPHA Committee that is representative of the EASL community in terms of scientific fields, countries, experience) 
    • Diversity, in accordance with the EASL equality, diversity and inclusion policy statement. 
  • Shortlisted candidates may be invited for a max. 45-minute interview with the EASL PPHA Committee.  
    • The interview will consist of a five-minute presentation from the candidate covering their qualifications and motivation for becoming a member of the Policy & Public Health Committee, followed by a Q&A session. 
  • The EASL Governing Board will validate the decision of the PPHA Committee. The successful candidates will be requested to complete a Declaration of Interest form and will be reviewed by the EASL Ethics and Compliance Committee, prior to being presented to the EASL General Assembly in May 2025. Their appointment to the PPHA Committee is dependent on confirmation by and at the General Assembly. 

You are welcome to consult the EASL equality, diversity, and inclusion policy statement.

The Ethics and Compliance Committee insures EASL stakeholder compliance with the EASL Code of Conduct.  

The role of the Ethics and Compliance Committee is to support the Governing Board and Committees to promote the highest standards of ethics in the field of hepatology, educate members on ethical issues and ensure compliance to the EASL Code of Conduct, including anti-bribery.  

The EASL Ethics and Compliance Committee may be contacted directly by anyone either internally or externally on matters related to ethics, anti-bribery and compliance.   

Duties include reviewing annual DOI forms from EASL Stakeholders (EASL Governing Board, Committees, Task forces, Editorial Teams, Event organising committees and faculty, members of EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines panels, and EASL Executive Director). 

The main duties of the EASL Ethics and Compliance Committee include:  

  • Advising on matters of ethics, compliance, and anti-bribery, serving as a consultative body to ensure EASL’s ethical commitment remains robust, 
  • Recommending updates to the EASL Code of Conduct and associated policies, ensuring these frameworks remain relevant and effective, applies policies and maintains awareness 
  • Supporting awareness and education initiatives that embed ethical values across the association 
  • Managing and responding to disclosures, complaints, and concerns, fostering a transparent and accountable environment 
  • Safeguarding all relevant documentation pertaining to its activities as well as ethics and compliance matters 

The EASL Ethics and Compliance Committee consists of five (5) members who are independent from the Governing Board membership. Members are proposed by the Ethics and Compliance Committee for approval by the General Assembly.  

Each member serves for three years, for a total of two mandates. One member, elected by the Ethics and Compliance Committee, performs the role of the chair.  

The Ethics and Compliance Committee normally hold one face-to-face meeting per year at EASL Congress and teleconferences as needed.  

A quorum of at least four out of five members is required for decision-making, and major decisions, such as assessments of declarations of interest or other key matters, require the agreement of at least four members. 


The term for this member is from May 2025 to (and including) EASL Congress 2028. 

The call is open 9 December 2024 – 20 January 2025 (23:59 CET). To apply, please connect to the Member Zone. 

Eligibility criteria: 

  • The candidate must be an EASL member when applying. 
  • The candidate must be professionally active in a European country, as defined by the World Health Organisation 
  • The candidate should preferably have proven governance and administrative experience.  
  • The candidate should have a strong interest in not-for-profit governance, ethics and non-bribery policies.  
  • EASL embraces diversity and would particularly welcome female applicants and those from under-represented ethnic groups. 

Your application should include: 

  • a letter of motivation and your aspirations for joining the EASL Ethics and Compliance Committee 
  • an updated CV 
  • a summary of your scientific achievements (including a list of your publications, h-index, as applicable) 

Review process: 

  • Applicants will receive a DOI form to complete, as supporting documentation for their application.
  • All submitted applications will be reviewed for eligibility by the EASL office. 
  • All eligible applications will be reviewed by current EASL’s Ethics and Compliance Committee members.  
  • The Committee will base their selection on the following criteria:  
    • candidate profile 
    • inclusivity and heterogeneity 
    • diversity, in accordance with the EASL equality, diversity and inclusion policy statement. 
  • Shortlisted candidates might be invited for an interview with the current Ethics & Compliance Committee.  
    • The interview will consist of a three-minute presentation by the candidate, covering their qualifications and motivation for joining the Committee, followed by fifteen-minute Q&A session. 
  • The successful candidates will be presented to the EASL General Assembly in May 2025. Their appointment to the Committee is dependent on confirmation by and at the General Assembly. 

You are welcome to consult as well as the EASL equality, diversity, and inclusion policy statement.

Are you supporting and advancing care for people with liver disease through clinical excellence or research? Are you ready to shape the educational/research and clinical priorities of EASL’s Nurses and Allied Health Professionals Task Force?

Since it was founded in 2016, the Nurses and AHPs Task Force has grown from strength to strength. EASL is now calling for nominations for one new member for this Task Force. 

Task Force members are expected to be able to attend monthly conference calls, an annual face-to-face meeting, and the yearly EASL Congress.

Task Force members are further expected to contribute actively to the development of the EASL Congress programme, coordinate with speakers, and ensure the smooth execution of conference activities. Other tasks may be assigned throughout the year, allowing members to play a dynamic role in various EASL initiatives and activities.


The term for these members is from May 2025 to (and including) EASL Congress 2028. 

Eligibility criteria:  

  • The candidate must be professionally active in a European country, as defined by the World Health Organisation 
  • The candidate must be an EASL member when applying. 
  • Particular attention will be paid to male candidates to maintain gender balance in the Task Force, in accordance with the EASL equality, diversity, and inclusion policy statement. 
  • As the Task Force already has members from Denmark, Sweden, Spain, Austria, United Kingdom and Switzerland, candidates from other countries are especially encouraged to apply.  

Please find below desirable and essential criteria for the applicants:

Criteria (5 pillars of practice)  Essential  Desirable 
Clinical Experience 
  • Experience in working with patients with liver disease in an inpatient ward or outpatient clinic 


  • Experience in working in a liver-related project management/research role 
  • Experience in working at an advanced practice level 
Academic Experience 
  • Able to access healthcare literature and read critically 
  • Awareness and implementation of evidence-based research into practice  
  • Master or PhD degree 
  • Experience in reviewing abstracts 
  • Experience in peer reviewing manuscripts for publication 
  • Experience in writing peer-reviewed publications 
Teaching Experience 
  • Experience in presenting to, or teaching groups of healthcare staff (nurses and AHPs)
  • Experience in presenting to interprofessional disciplines 
  • Formal postgraduate teaching qualification 
  • Experience in conference organisation 
Leadership Experience 
  • Experience in organising meetings/events/educational sessions 
  • Able to meet deadlines 
  • Able to speak, read, and write in English at a level that enables clear communication with members of the EASL community 
  • Experience in working as ward manager, or department/team leader 
  • Experience in liver related healthcare committee/ group membership and contribution to activities outside of the usual workplace, either locally, regionally, nationally, or internationally. 

The call is open from 9 December 2024 to 20 January 2025 (23:59 CET). To apply, please connect to the Member Zone. 

Your application should include: 

  • a letter of motivation and your goals in joining the Task Force 
  • an updated CV 
  • a summary of your career achievements to date (including any publications, research, service delivery, clinical excellence, national or strategic working) 

Review process: 

  • All submitted applications will be reviewed for eligibility by the EASL office. 
  • Shortlisted candidates may be invited for a maximum 30-minute interview with the current EASL Nurses and Allied Health Professionals Task Force.  
    • The interview will consist of a five-minute presentation by the candidate, covering their qualifications and motivation for joining the Task Force, followed by a Q&A session with the Task Force members. 
  • Successful candidates will be presented to the EASL Governing Board. Their appointment is dependent on Governing Board approval. 

You are welcome to consult the EASL equality, diversity, and inclusion policy statement.

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