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10/04/21 -

ILC 2021 – Second call for abstracts is now open!

Launching the second round of abstracts for ILC 2021: regular and high-profile, late-breaker abstracts

On 10 April, we’re launching the second round of abstract submissions for ILC 202110–27 April midnight CETEASL is calling all scientists, researchers, investigators, and companies doing cutting-edge research. Seize this opportunity. You now have 17 days to submit your regular or high-profile, late-breaker abstracts. 

We understand that this has been a very difficult time for researchersWe want you to be assured of the opportunity to submit the findings of your research and have them showcased at ILC 2021.   

Drawing inspiration from the first round of abstracts  

Draw inspiration from your peers. Discover all the accepted abstracts for ILC 2021 from the first round of submission. We are now working on defining all the sessions for the abstracts presentations and we are planning to have them in place by 18 May. 

Browse the list of abstracts accepted to date.

Explore the abstract categories  

Browse the 34 abstract categories to find the right one for your work: From Acute liver failure and drug induced liver injury to Viral hepatitis C: Therapy and resistance. 

Explore the abstract categories

Discover the tracks of ILC 2021 

The sessions at ILC 2021 will be structured with clear track visibility, so delegates can locate their area of interest quickly and easily. Three areas will be given special emphasis: Basic Science; Liver Transplantation and Surgery; and Public Health. The framework of the six thematic EASL tracks remains: Cirrhosis and Complications; General Hepatology; Immune-mediated and Cholestatic Diseases; Liver Tumours; Metabolism, Alcohol, and Toxicity; and Viral Hepatitis. 

Explore the contents of these tracks, to see how your research will fit into the topics of the day.

Consider the many benefits to you of submitting your work    

By submitting, researchers and companies stand to gain:    

  • the possibility of presenting their work at the world’s leading hepatology event 
  • the chance to pay the reduced abstract submission fee of EUR 50 (instead of the usual EUR 100 late-breaker fee)
  • significant savings on ILC 2021 registration fees. For other delegates, the early fees closed 22 March. But those abstract presenters – who take part in the second round and who are selected – will have ten days after receiving their notification on 18 May to register with early feesYou will receive a personal code for the early-fee discount, together with your abstract notification. Your final early-fees deadline will then be: 28 May 23:59 CET. 
Submit your abstract now!
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