Wrap-up session
After five rich and very stimulating days of ILC 2022, it’ll be time to distil the best, the most memorable highlights, the future trends.
EASL offered delegates the ultimate Wrap-up Session: Clinical, Basic Science, and Public Health. What were the most thought-provoking discussions? What is the most promising, forward-looking clinical and basic science in a given field? Which researchers are bringing the next steps? How is public health advancing? What trends were spotted at ILC?
Discover the best of these topics
Viral hepatitis

Jean-Michel Pawlotsky
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Dr Jean-Michel PAWLOTSKY is Professor of Medicine at the University of Paris-Est. He is the Director of the National Reference Center for Viral Hepatitis B, C and Delta and of the Department of Virology at the Henri Mondor University Hospital in Créteil, France, and Director of the Academic Department “Viruses, Immunity and Cancers“ (INSERM U955). Dr Pawlotsky has been acting as the Secretary General of EASL (2005-2009), and as an Associate Editor of Hepatology (2001-2006). He is currently an Associate Editor of Gastroenterology. Dr Pawlotsky published over 450 articles and book chapters in his areas of expertise and gave over 500 invited lectures at international meetings.
Liver Tumours

María Reig
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My career in Medicine started in 2001 when I graduated from Medical School. I did my training in Internal Medicine in Castro Rendon Hospital (Neuquén, Patagonia) and then, moved to the Hospital Italiano in Buenos Aires where I did my Hepatology and Liver Transplantation training (2005-2007). In 2008 I moved to Barcelona to enter the BCLC, Liver Unit in Hospital Clínic of Barcelona as a pre-doctoral fellow and I have a faculty position in the Liver Unit since 2016. Upon completion of a Master in Liver Research and a Degree in Statistics, I developed my Doctoral Thesis under the guidance of Professor Bruix. My area of interest has been the development of prognostic models for patients with liver cancer and evaluation of treatment options with special emphasis in systemic therapy. Additionally, I obtained a Degree in Immuno-Oncology at the University of Navarra that has facilitated the opening of a new area of research about immune modulation and cancer emergence after antiviral treatment. During my career focused in clinical research in liver cancer I have authored 58 manuscripts ORCID ID 0000-0002-5711-9534 with a total Impact Factor of 527.071 and an H-index=26. My current research at the Oncology Unit of Hopsital Clinic is funded by competitive grants where I am the Principal Investigator and by grants and contracts where I am a main collaborator both at the national and international level. At the same time, I am responsible for the coordination of the educational events and short-term fellowship visits at the BCLC, while also being the mentor of three predoctoral trainees. I regularly review manuscripts for the major Hepatology journals and have been member of the Governing Board of the Spanish Association for the Study of the Liver and ILCA.
Metabolism, alcohol and toxicity
Speaker to be announced soon.
Immune-mediated and cholestatic diseases

Andreas E Kremer
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Andreas Kremer is a Clinician Scientist and Professor of Hepatology at the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatolgoy, University Hospital Zürich . He is Deputy Head of Hepatology, Principle Investigator and lead investigator for several clinical trials. He runs a lab group foucssing on autoimmune and cholestatic liver disease, liver fibrosis, hepato- and cholangiocellular carcinoma, the gut-liver-axis and extrahepatic manifestations such as pruritus and fatigue.
Cirrhosis and complications
Sunday 26 June, 13:36–14:00

Manuela Merli
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Prof. Manuela Merli is Associate Professor at the Department of Clinical Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. She’s a member of many prestigious associations, including European Association for the Study of The Liver, Italian Association for the Study of the Liver, Italian Society of Gastroenterology, European Society of Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition and Italian Society for Transplant Organs. Prof. Merli’s main research interests are in the fields of liver cirrhosis, pathogenesis and treatment of portal hypertension and nutrition and metabolic abnormalities in patients with chronic liver disease.