ILC 2022 media coverage highlights
Channel 4 News Report

From Healio – ILC 2022 Media Partner:

- Acute hepatitis outbreak swells to nearly 900 cases; global data shows ‘mixed picture’
- Antiviral combination plus standard therapy achieves ‘controlled biological state’ in HBV
- Givosiran increases quality of life, reduces attacks in acute hepatic porphyria
- WHO: HCV elimination by 2030 demands ‘scale-up, simplification’ of care pathways
- Female prisons ‘main reservoir’ for hepatitis C, key target for elimination initiatives
- Low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet reduced fatty liver, improved type 2 diabetes control
- Transplantation within 7 days of listing boosts survival in acute-on-chronic liver failure
- DAA use decreases risk for cardiovascular events in patients with advanced fibrosis, HCV
- Liver transplantation linked to lower antibody, T-cell response to COVID-19 vaccine
- NAFLD, alcohol-associated liver disease spur rise in global liver cancer deaths
- Older age, MELD score predict survival among patients declined for early LT
- PPIs linked to risk for severe infection, decompensation in patients with cirrhosis
British Liver Trust Liver Truck:

Eureactiv (Belgium): Health brief: De(liver)ing healthcare to communities
la Repubblica (Italy): Vuoi salvare il tuo fegato? Sali sul furgone e fatti un'ecografia
El Pais (Spain):
20Minutos (Spain): La cantidad de días seguidos que deberías pasar sin probar alcohol para proteger tu hígado, según los hepatólogos
Elle (France): Des scientifiques dévoilent une méthode pour se remettre totalement d'une consommation d'alcool
CNN (Portugal): "No álcool, a melhor quantidade é zero”. Quanto podemos beber? O que dizem os especialistas
Calverton Primary School visit:

la Repubblica (Italy): Epatiti acute dei bambini, in Gran Bretagna la metà dei casi europei
Acute Hepatitis in Children:
Medscape (online): Acute Hepatitis Cases in Children Show Declining Trend; Adenovirus, COVID-19 Remain Key Leads
El Pais (Spain): El origen de la hepatitis aguda infantil es todavía un misterio después de 894 casos, decenas de trasplantes y 18 muertes
le Figaro (France): Hépatites pédiatriques: le mystère perdure
Hepatitis D:
Medinlive (Austria): Durchbruch bei Behandlung von Hepatitis D und Verringerung von Leberfett erwartet
Infohep (online): Bulevirtide leads to sustained improvement for people with hepatitis D
BioWorld (online): Phase III data from Gilead’s hepatitis D ‘cure’ and Madrigal’s NASH hopeful take center stage at ILC
la Repubblica (Italy): Epatiti, giornata mondiale. Per gli screening (della C) serve una proroga
Other coverage:
El Diario Vasco (Spain): Matxus Perugorria, Premio al Líder Emergente de la EASL
Eureactiv (Belgium): Eating fat helps to lose fat, study found
Medinlive (Austria):
le Figaro (France): La santé du foie, trop souvent négligée
Eureactiv (Belgium): Health brief: The burden of war on Ukrainian doctors
EMJ Hepatology (UK): ILC 2022 Congress Review