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29/05/24 -

LIVERAIM related activities at EASL Congress 2024

The LIVERAIM project’s overall goal is to set up a screening platform to detect cases of liver disease early on, so that patients can take steps to protect their liver before it’s too late. As the silent phase of the disease can last for two decades, there is a clear window of opportunity to take action here.

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Networking Session LIVERAIM

Liveraim Speakers Pere Gines, Salvatore Piano, Jorn Schattenberg, Maja Thiele, Jason Melehani
Session title Networking Session: LiverAim
Room Track Hub: General Hepatology
Date and time Saturday, 8 June, 10:00 – 10:30 CEST

LIVERAIM related sessions

Liveraim Speakers Jorn Schattenberg, Elisabetta Bugianesi
Session title MSD: F Is for Fibrosis: Spelling out the Issues in Advanced MASH
Room Amber 1+2
Date and time Wednesday, 5 Jun, 13:30 – 14:30 CEST



Liveraim Speakers Jorn Schattenberg, Elisabetta Bugianesi
Session title Future of Hepatology: The next frontier in MASLD
Room Gold Room
Date and time Thursday, 6 Jun, 17:00 – 18:15 CEST



Liveraim Speakers Jeff Lazarus, Aleksander Krag
Session title Healthy livers, healthy lives
Room Space 4
Date and time Thursday, 6 Jun, 17:00 – 18:15 CEST



Liveraim Speakers Maja Thiele, Elisa Pose
Session title Bridging the gap between metabolic and alcohol-related liver disease
Room EASL Studio & Hepatology Arena
Date and time Saturday, 8 Jun, 10:45 – 12:00 CEST
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