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26/05/24 -

A-TANGO related activities at EASL Congress 2024

A-TANGO strives to increase the survival rate with G-TAK – a novel combinatorial therapy, and to decrease the burden on the national healthcare systems, which is caused by a large percentage of patients who never recover fully and require long-term care.

Read more about the project

Wednesday 5 June

When Where What
08:30-17:00 Poster area Poster LBP-026: Evidence of transplant benefit for patients with severe acute-on-chronic liver failure: Interim results of the CHANCE study (Rajiv Jalan, UCL), Late breaker posters, Topic: General Hepatology


Amber 3+4 Patient & Advocate Forum: Patient Experiences in Clinical Settings

●      Talk: Patient experiences in using health services/availability of health services (Milan Mishkovikj, ELPA)

09:45-10:15 EASL Studio & Hepatology Arena EASL Studio – Buongiorno Milano: What not to miss during EASL Congress (Chair: Aleksander Krag, OUH)

(Panellist: Thomas Berg, ULEI)





Space 3 Industry Session: “Grifols: Long-term albumin to manage disease progression: latest evidence and upcoming results” (chair: Rajiv Jalan, UCL)

●      Talk 1: From decompensated cirrhosis to ACLF: long-term albumin among the available and novel treatments (Rajiv Jalan, UCL)

●      Talk 4: Conclusions & future perspectives (Rajiv Jalan, UCL)

●      Q&A (moderated by Rajiv Jalan, UCL)



Amber 1+2 Industry satellite symposium (Metabolism, Alcohol and Toxicity): MSD: F Is for Fibrosis – Spelling out the Issues in Advanced MASH (Chair: Arun Sanyal)

●      Talk 3: Key Mechanisms of Morbidity and Mortality in Advanced Fibrosis (Frank Tacke, Charité)

●      Round Table Discussion (Frank Tacke, Elisabetta Bugianesi, Arun Sanyal, Jörn Schattenberg)

Thursday 6 June

When Where What
08:30-18:00 Poster area Poster THU-057-YI: Distinguishing clinical profiles in acute-on-chronic liver failure: a comparative analysis of alcohol-related hepatitis versus infection precipitated acute-on-chronic liver failure (Annarein Kerbert, LUMC)

Topic: Cirrhosis and its complications: ACLF and critical illness

08:30-09:30 Meet-The-Expert 1 Meet-the-expert: Interprofessional Forum: Developing successful nurse-led clinics. A multidisciplinary perspective

Panel discussion: Developing successful nurse-led clinics – A multidisciplinary perspective (Co-Chair: Marko Korenjak, ELPA)

10:00-10:30 EASL Studio & Hepatology Arena EASL Studio – Breaking boundaries: Innovating the future of hepatitis B and D treatment together (Chair: Thomas Berg, ULEI; Topic: Viral Hepatitis)
14:00-14:30 Track Hub: Public Health Public Health Networking Session: Patient Engagement: ELPA Good Practices (Marko Korenjak, ELPA)
17:00-18:15 Amber 3+4 Abstract session – Liver transplantation and hepatobiliary surgery (Chair: Thomas Berg, ULEI)

●      Talk: ID OS-020 MRI-serum based score accurately identifies liver transplant patients without rejection avoiding need for liver biopsy: a multisite European study (Minneke Coenraad, LUMC)

Friday 7 June

When Where What
08:30-18:00 Poster area Poster FRI-174: Spectrum of UGT1A1 variations in Chinese patients with Gilbert’s syndrome (Wenting Tan, UCL)

Topic: Rare liver diseases

08:30-09:45 Brown 3 Abstract Session: Cirrhosis and its complications: Clinical

Co-Chair: Minneke Coenraad, LUMC

10:00-10:30 Track Hub: Cirrhosis & Complications A-TANGO Networking Session

●      A-TANGO ppt slide deck running through, get-together for consortium members + study site investigators, and networking with colleagues

12:45-13:45 Space 3 Industry satellite symposium – Ipsen: Shining a light on unexplained cholestasis (Chair: Thomas Berg, ULEI)

Topic: Immune-mediated and Cholestatic Diseases

17:15-18:30 Brown 3 Abstract session: Gut microbiota and liver disease (Chairs: Jonel Trebicka, UM; Minneke Coenraad, LUMC)

Saturday 8 June

When Where What
08:30-09:45 Brown 3 Session: Future of hepatology: Decompensated cirrhosis: is it about portal hypertension or systemic inflammation

Co-Chair: Rajiv Jalan

●      Talk: Emerging approaches to targeting systemic inflammation in cirrhosis (Rajiv Jalan)

08:30-17:00 Poster Area Poster SAT-452: Evolving patterns in the clinical burden of liver cirrhosis: comprehensive analysis from a leading German tertiary center (Julian Pohl, Charité)

Session Topic: Public Health – Except viral hepatitis

12:30-13:00 EASL Studio & Hepatology Arena EASL Studio – Landmark studies at the EASL Congress 2024

(Chair: Thomas Berg, ULEI;

Panel: Rajiv Jalan, UCL; Verena Keitel-Anselmino)

Topic: General Hepatology

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