EASL General Assembly elects new Board and Committee members

The General Assembly of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) has elected new members to its Governing Board, various committees and a new Editor-In-Chief for its Journal of Hepatology.
12 April 2019 – Vienna, Austria
The European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) held its General Assembly today at the yearly EASL flagship event, the International Liver Congress™ 2019 in Vienna, Austria.
Chaired by the departing Secretary General, Prof. Tom Hemming Karlsen, the annual business meeting saw the election of new members to the EASL Governing Board, notably EASL’s new Secretary General, Prof. Philip Newsome from the United Kingdom.
New members to the Ethics, Educational and Policy and Public Health Committees, as well as a new Editor-In-Chief for EASL’s Journal of Hepatology, were also elected.
Prof. Newsome thanked the departing members of the Governing Board and various committees for their professionalism and excellence in serving EASL members and the larger scientific community in the fight to beat liver disease.