First articles available on new open access journal JHEP Reports

The latest journal from EASL, JHEP Reports is fully open access. Our goal is to become an essential channel for innovation in hepatology by publishing outstanding basic, translational and clinical studies. We have a strong interest in the development of precision medicine and new therapies in liver diseases, and emerging fields of research exploring the frontier between basic and translational liver research. Editor-in-Chief, Prof Jessica Zucman-Rossi, explores in more detail the aims and scopes of the journal in her recent Editorial.
We are delighted to present below a selection of the first articles of this new open access journal JHEP Reports:
Macrophages in obesity and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: Crosstalk with metabolism
Sander Lefere, Frank Tacke
Controversies in the management of hepatocellular carcinoma
Alejandro Forner, Leonardo G Da Fonseca, Álvaro Díaz-González, Marco Sanduzzi-Zamparelli, Maria Reig, Jordi Bruix
HSD17B13 truncated variant is associated with a mild hepatic phenotype in Wilson’s Disease
Peter Ferenci, Jan Pfeiffenberger, Albert Friedrich Stättermayer, Rudolf E. Stauber, Claudia Willheim, Petra Munda-Steindler, Michael Trauner, Michael Schilsky, Heinz Zoller
Liver steatosis is a strong predictor of mortality and cancer in chronic hepatitis B regardless of viral load
Noam Peleg, Assaf Issachar, Orly Sneh Arbib, Michal Cohen-Naftaly, Marius Braun, Moshe Leshno Alon Barsheshet, Amir Shlomai
JHEP Reports continues to welcome submissions – and to celebrate the launch of the journal, all APCs will be waived for articles accepted for publication that are submitted before the end of July 2019.
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