Call for regular and high-profile, late-breaker abstracts for ILC 2021
EASL is pleased to announce the second round of abstract submissions for ILC 2021. We are calling for companies, scientists, researchers, and investigators to submit regular and high-profile, late-breaker abstracts, 10–27 April 2021.

Take advantage of the next round of abstract submissions
In line with EASL’s commitment to make ILC 2021 the platform of choice for liver research from around the world, we encourage researchers to submit their most recent work – be it late–breaking results or work that simply was not ready earlier in the year.
By submitting, companies and researchers stand to gain:
- the possibility of presenting work at the world’s leading hepatology event
- the chance to pay the reduced abstract submission fee of EUR 50 (instead of the usual EUR 100 late-breaker fee)
- significant savings on ILC 2021 registration fees. Those abstract presenters who took part in the second round and who were selected, will have ten days after receiving their notification on 18 May to register with early fees. They will receive a personal code for the early-fee discount, together with the abstract notification. Their final early-fees deadline is: 28 May 23:59 CET.
How has COVID-19 affected research?
The pandemic has shaken up the world of science differentially. Some research has been prioritised and completed in record time, whereas other projects have been markedly affected, as staff were diverted to the frontlines of the pandemic. Certain lab projects, considered non-essential, were even shut down.
At EASL, we understand that this has been a very difficult time for researchers, and we have said don’t let COVID-19 lockdown get you down. Accordingly, we are offering you a special, further opportunity to submit the findings of your research so that they can be showcased at ILC 2021. We are providing 34 abstract categories, accommodating multidisciplinary submissions.
How is the hepatology community responding, so far?
EASL sends a warm thank you to the scientists, researchers, and clinicians who have already submitted abstracts for ILC 2021. The many hundreds of cutting-edge abstracts we received from all around the world will make the ILC 2021 scientific programme rich and varied. As the congress is taking place online, it offers scientists a unique opportunity to reach peers in any time zone and any part of the globe. If you submitted an abstract, stay tuned for your abstract notification, which will reach you by 2 April.