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Call for nominations for a new Scientific Committee member to join the EASL Governing Board

EASL is now calling for nominations for a new Scientific Committee member to join the Governing Board. The term for this member is from July 2020 to April 2023.

Please note, however, that:

  • the following countries are excluded from this call, as they are already represented in the Scientific Committee: France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the UK
  • only women will be considered, given the current composition of the Scientific Committee and in accordance with EASL equality, diversity, and inclusion policy statement
  • candidates must be under 48 years of age in July 2020 (and in the case of maternity leave, the eligibility age is calculated by deducting 18 months per child from the applicant’s actual age) and
  • particular attention will be paid to candidates  with a strong background in basic research.

The call  is open from 1 to 31 May 2020 and submissions may be made online.

Please apply here.

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